Job Applied Physicist #11935# Genève CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire - Jobangebote

Berufsbezeichnung: Applied Physicist #11935#

Introduction Applied Physicist in the Experimental Physics Department (EP), Detector Technologies (DT), Technology and Physics Section (TP) As an applied physicist with a strong background on particle detectors research, development (R&D) and construction you will join the CERN Experimental Physics Department (EP) that carries out basic research in the field of physics. EP aims at providing a stimulating scientific atmosphere and remains an important reference for the European physics community. It also contributes to the education and training of young scientists. In particular, you will join the Detector Technologies (DT) Group, which participates in the development, construction and operation of particle detectors for experiments at CERN. The Technology and Physics (TP) Section provides expertise in various detector technologies, detector integration and operation. Physicists and engineers in this section participate in projects of the group and usually lead and coordinate these. In view of the LHC detector upgrade programme, you will contribute to the construction of the future tracker systems, being active in the fields of pixel and strip sensors, prototyping, development and production of modules and staves, system testing and integration. You will also perform detector R&D on other detector technologies and give contributions to projects in LHC and non-LHC experiments. Functions As an experienced Applied Physicist in the TP Section, you will take a leading role in the development and production of large particle detector systems. More specifically, this entails: Take a major role in the development of modules and staves for large tracking systems, their qualification in lab tests, irradiations and beam tests. Develop and coordinate, with engineers and technicians at CERN, assembly and quality assurance procedures for detector systems to ensure the long-term reliability of all the solutions implemented. Work together with physicists and engineers on the integration of detector systems. Contribute to system tests, integration and final qualification tests of detector systems before and after installation in the experiments. Support, supervisory and coordination tasks in the above domains to ensure a smooth work environment between different groups contributing to the project and in a wide community of collaborating institutes. Qualification required PhD in the field of physics, with specialisation in particle detectors, or equivalent. Experience and competencies The experience required for this post is: Extensive experience in the development, design, assembly, QA and qualification of particle detectors for very high radiation environments. Demonstrated experience in system aspects and operation of solid-state detector systems. Demonstrated experience in interconnection techniques and module construction and qualification for tracking detectors. Demonstrated experience with coordination and supervisory roles in a multi-disciplinary team of physicists and engineers. Proven ability to produce technical documentation and scientific publications. The technical competencies required for this post are: Detector design, construction, testing and operation. Detector assembly and integration: techniques, procedures and coordination. Knowledge of quality and reliability assurance techniques and tools. Project management: in particular in large detector construction projects. Solid-state based and/or Gas detector based particle detection technologies. The behavioural competencies required for this post are: Achieving results: having a structured and organised approach towards work; being able to set priorities and plan tasks with results in mind. Working in teams: contributing to promoting a positive atmosphere in the team through an optimistic and constructive attitude; addressing issues. Solving problems: identifying, defining and assessing problems, taking action to address them; addressing complex problems by breaking th

Mindestlohn: 7980

Höchstgehalt: 9100

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire Route de Meyrin 385 1217 Meyrin

Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Physiker und Astronomen

Land: Schweiz

Region: Genève

Vertragslaufzeit: Befristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Uni/HS

Erfahrung: 5 Jahre und mehr

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
SECO,Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweiz (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Fahrerlaubnis: Nein

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)

Gehalt Währung: CHF

Gehaltsperiode: monatlich

Gehalt Besteuerung: brutto


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