Job Software Engineer #11995# Genève CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire - Jobangebote

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Berufsbezeichnung: Software Engineer #11995#

Introduction Software Engineer in the Beams Department (BE), Controls Group (CO), Data Services Section (DS). You will join: The Beams Department (BE), which is responsible not only for the operation of all of CERN's accelerators, but also for a number of specialised technologies and disciplines required for design, construction and operation of particle accelerators; The Controls Group (CO), responsible for providing and supporting the controls infrastructure used to operate and maintain these particle accelerators 24 hours a day; The Data Services Section (link is external) (DS): a dynamic and quality-oriented agile team, responsible for the mission-critical database centric services, associated applications and user interfaces. Functions As a Software Engineer in the DS Section (link is external), you will: Participate in the whole software development lifecycle (requirements, design, development, testing), taking the lead in some components, following a modern agile approach Communicate with a variety of end-users (CERN's installation, operation and maintenance teams) to understand their needs and help translate these into appropriate software solutions Investigate, diagnose and resolve operational problems; Interact with skilled and motivated software engineers on a daily basis to deliver quality results Mentor junior developers Keep up to date on latest software technology trends and take an active role in the section to exchange ideas and knowledge with others. Qualification required Master's Degree in the field of computing, computer science, software engineering, or equivalent. Experience and competencies The experience required for this post is: Knowledge of core software design principles; Proven experience in Java development using Spring and JPA Proven experience to build new software systems and evolve existing ones Experience applying software quality assurance techniques and practice with corresponding tools Professional experience with relational databases (preferably Oracle) including a strong knowledge of SQL. The following are considered as assets but are not mandatory: Experience working with REST, JSON and developing client applications with modern Web technologies Experience in solving performance problems with DBMS and/or integration with application software Experience maintaining and supporting a mission-critical distributed software system Experience working in an environment applying a Lean / Kanban approach to software development. The technical competencies required for this post are: Programming/software development: application development (Java; Spring; JPA; Javascript; HTML; CSS) Database/repository design: SQL (Oracle DBMS is a plus) Testing: use of automated testing and continuous integration tools Systems integration: integration and testing of components and/or subsystems and their interfaces Technical advice and guidance: working with end users to understand their needs and provide corresponding technical solutions. The behavioural competencies required for this post are: Achieving results: having a structured and organised approach towards work, being able to set priorities and plan tasks with results in mind Learning and sharing knowledge: keeping up-to-date with developments in own field of expertise and readily absorbing new information; sharing knowledge and expertise freely and willingly with others; coaching others to ensure knowledge transfer; thinking "out of the box" and proposing fresh ideas, insights and methodologies Working in teams: understanding when teamwork is required to achieve the best results; including others accordingly and sharing information; working well in groups and readily fitting into a team; participating fully and taking an active role in team activities Demonstrating flexibility: adapting quickly and resourcefully to shifting priorities and requirements instigating and promoting change as an opportunity for organisational development Communicati

Mindestlohn: 7980

Höchstgehalt: 9100

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire Route de Meyrin 385 1217 Meyrin

Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Softwareentwickler

Land: Schweiz

Region: Genève

Vertragslaufzeit: Befristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Uni/HS

Erfahrung: 5 Jahre und mehr

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
SECO,Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweiz (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Fahrerlaubnis: Nein

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)

Gehalt Währung: CHF

Gehaltsperiode: monatlich

Gehalt Besteuerung: brutto


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