Job Technical Learning Specialist #12001# Genève CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire - Jobangebote

Berufsbezeichnung: Technical Learning Specialist #12001#

Introduction Technical Learning Specialist in Human Resources Department (HR), Learning & Development Group (LD). The Learning & Development Group's goals are to support learning in its broadest sense, reinforce effectiveness and motivation through learning actions and systematically develop the knowledge, skills, technical and behavioural competencies of CERN's population. Functions As a Technical Learning Specialist, you will play a key role in motivating and developing staff and be responsible for the technical training programme which is the largest one in the L&D portfolio (300 courses annually on 120 different subjects, 50 new courses each year, 2000 participants). This will include: Collecting, understanding and analyzing technical training needs CERN-wide. Searching for internal and external providers, negotiating costs and ensuring training implementation (design, development and delivery). Evaluating and reporting on course content and success by conducting feedback surveys and analyzing data and reports. Keeping up-to-date with CERN's scientific and technical challenges and liaising with committees and experts. Coordinating and monitoring the technical training budget. Contributing to L&D projects and policies. Supervising a team of two administrative assistants and liaising with subcontractors at the training centre. Qualification required Master's degree in a technical or scientific field, or equivalent, ideally with professional training in the field of Learning & Development, or equivalent. Experience and competencies The experience required for this post is: Experience in areas of physics or engineering in a multicultural environment. Experience in learning management systems, an advantage. The technical competencies required for this post are: Learning: knowledge in developing, coordinating and implementing curriculum design and competency-based technical training . Performance management: daily supervision of a team of administrative assistants.. Customer service. Project management. Use of Office software packages. HR process design & development. Strong analytical skills and ability to understand highly specialized technical fields. The behavioural competencies required for this post are: Achieving results: delivering high quality work on time and fulfilling expectations; delivering prompt and efficient service taking into account customer needs; having a structured and organised approach towards work; being able to set priorities and plan tasks with results in mind. Optimising resources: creating synergies within the team; ensuring that resources are used cost-effectively, transparently and to good purpose; setting high quality standards for own and team results; striving for excellence and maintaining focus and drive even in the face of difficulty; involving key stakeholders at critical stages to ensure availability of resources. Building relationships: accepting others in a non-judgemental way and taking their point of view into account; understanding how individual differences bring added value to the Organization; promoting complementarities; showing appreciation for the ideas and contributions of others and encourages others to express their views, even if controversial. Communicating effectively: delivering presentations in a structured and clear way; adjusting style and content to the audience; responding calmly and confidently to questions; demonstrating a pro-active approach to resolving differences; addressing issues of conflict constructively; ensuring that information, procedures and decisions are appropriately documented. Working in teams: gaining trust and collaboration from others; understanding when teamwork is required to achieve the best results; including others accordingly and sharing information; contributing to promoting a positive atmosphere in the team through an optimistic and constructive attitude; addressing issues. Demonstrating flexibility: adapting quic

Mindestlohn: 7980

Höchstgehalt: 9100

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire

CERN Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire Route de Meyrin 385 1217 Meyrin

Form von Kontakt: Elaine McGoogan

Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Lehrkräfte

Land: Schweiz

Region: Genève

Vertragslaufzeit: Befristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Uni/HS

Erfahrung: 5 Jahre und mehr

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
SECO,Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweiz (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Fahrerlaubnis: Nein

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)

Gehalt Währung: CHF

Gehaltsperiode: monatlich

Gehalt Besteuerung: brutto


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