Job Project Engineer at CERN unspecified CERN - Jobangebote
Are you an engineer with experience in managing projects? Would you like to be directly involved in the safety of the physics experiments, CERN's core activity? Then join the EP Safety Office. Take part!
Project Engineer in the Safety Office (SO) of the Experimental Physics Department (EP).
The Experimental Physics Department carries out research in the field of experimental particle physics. It aims at providing a stimulating scientific atmosphere and remains an important reference centre for the European physics community. It contributes to the education and training of young scientists.
The EP Departmental Safety Officer (DSO) and their team act on behalf of the Department Head in insuring that all the departmental and experimental activities are compliant with the CERN safety rules and regulations.
The EP Safety Office resolves all safety matters arising within the department and within the experiments together with the various safety officers: the safety officers specialized by technology, the safety officers attached directly to the experiment (EXSO), the territorial safety officers (TSO) and the safety link persons. This is done in close collaboration with CERN HSE Unit, the other CERN departments and collaborations institutes.
As Project Engineer, you will assist the Departmental Safety Officer to ensure the highest safety standards within the EP department, including the safety of installations, activities and projects under his responsibility, and in particular for the implementation within the Department of the CERN Safety Policy, the CERN Safety Rules, the CERN Safety Objectives and best practices.
You will:
-In collaboration with the medium size experiments' EXSOs (experimental safety officers), ensure that the experiments comply with the CERN Safety Rules.
In particular:
- Coordinate yourself the various risk assessments for the small experiments (short term set ups), in collaboration with the CERN Safety Unit, and give safety clearance.
-Participate with the EXSOs to the various risk assessments for the medium-size experiments, in collaboration with the CERN Safety Unit.
-Propose and monitor the implementation of appropriate measures to ensure the compliance with CERN Safety Rules and best practices.
-Ensure consistency in the application of the Safety Rules, the respect of procedures and the conduct of training programmes between the different EP experiments.
-Create and maintain the EP department safety files and safety folders.
-Participate to the implementation of the CERN Safety Objectives
Qualification required :
Higher technical diploma or Bachelor's degree in the field of radiation protection and experience of radiation protection and radioactive waste problematics, or equivalent.
Experience and competencies :
Master's degree in the field of electromechanical, mechanical, or nuclear engineering, or equivalent.
The experience required for this post is:
- Experience in conducting engineering projects from design to its final implementation, including organisation, planning and control.
- A specific experience or training in safety matters would be a plus.
The technical competencies required for this post are:
- Project management: ability to run and implement small to medium size engineering project.
- Knowledge of radiation exposure and protection.
- Safety risk management: safety analysis and risk assessment experience would be a plus.
The behavioural competencies required for this post are:
- Solving problems: identifying, defining and assessing problems, taking action to address them; assimilating large quantities of information, identifying key issues
Stunden pro Woche: Duration: 2 year(s)
Angestelltenname: CERN
Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ROUTE DE MEYRIN 385, 1217 MEYRIN
Form von Kontakt: e-post:
Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41227678721
Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Maschinenbauingenieure
Land: Schweiz
Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet
Vertragstyp: Vollzeit
Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe
Erfahrung: siehe Beschreibung
Quelle des Stellenangebots:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweden
Fahrerlaubnis: Nein
Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)
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