Job Applied Physicist/Scientist on Advanced Superconductors unspecified CERN - Jobangebote
Applied Physicist/Scientist on Advanced Superconductors
Are you an Applied Physicist or Scientist on Advanced Superconductors? Are you ready to join one of the world's largest team of superconducting specialists? Leave your mark by developing and characterizing the superconductors, superconducting cables and associated electrical devices that will improve the future superconducting magnets and transmission lines at the LHC, and beyond. Take part!
Technology Department (TE) in the Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats (TE-MSC), for the Superconductor and Devices section (SCD).
You will join the Technology Department (TE) that is responsible for technologies which are specific to existing particle accelerators, facilities and future projects. More specifically you will integrate the Magnets, Superconductors and Cryostats (TE-MSC) Group which is responsible for:
.Superconducting materials, wires, tapes and cables for the CERN accelerator complex.
.Superconducting devices, e.g. current leads and electrical transfer lines.
.Laboratories for characterization of advanced superconducting materials.
As an Applied Physicist or Scientist on Advanced Superconductors, you will join a team of scientists and technicians in the CERN TE-MSC-SCD Section, and work on the development, characterization and prototyping of superconductors, high-current superconducting cables and associated electrical devices. You will:
.Take responsibility for the characterization of superconducting materials, strands and cables at liquid helium temperature, including the definition of dedicated experiments on existing or new test installations, test program and analysis of test results.
.Take responsibility for the design of test stations operated at liquid helium temperatures and conceive experiments for the measurement of structural, electrical, magnetic and mechanical properties of superconductors.
.Participate in the activity of the superconductor laboratories, which includes performance of electrical measurements at cryogenic temperatures and design and construction of dedicated sample holders.
.Report on design, manufacturing and test results, both in written form, and presentations, as required.
The activity requires interacting with different teams and services at CERN, as well as external laboratories and industry.
Qualification required
Master's degree in the field of applied physics or electrical engineering, or equivalent. A Ph.D. in any of the above, and in particular in applied superconductivity, would be advantage.
Experience and competencies
The experience required for this post is:
.Proven experience in applied superconductivity, LTS and HTS materials and their applications.
.Experience in electromechanical design of superconducting devices.
.Experience in simulation and analysis in the field of applied superconductivity.
.Experience in the field of cryogenic tests and measurements involving superconductivity (materials and cables, magnets or other devices), data acquisition hardware and software.
.Knowledge of low temperature and high-field material properties.
The technical competencies required for this post are:
.Knowledge of superconducting materials and High Temperature Superconductivity.
.Electromagnetic calculation & modelling: design, processing and operation of cryogenic stations for electro-magnetic tests.
.Electromagnetic calculation & modelling: electro-magnetic tests: measurement techniques and laboratory activity, precision measurement electronics, data acquisition.
.Knowledge, manufacturing, follow-up and QA of production of SC strands and SC cables.
.Use of Scientific and Engineering software pac
Stunden pro Woche:
A limited-duration contract for a period of 5 years.
Angestelltenname: CERN
Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ROUTE DE MEYRIN 385, 1217 MEYRIN
Form von Kontakt: e-post:
Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41227678721
Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Physiker und Astronomen
Land: Schweiz
Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet
Vertragstyp: Vollzeit
Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe
Erfahrung: siehe Beschreibung
Quelle des Stellenangebots:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweden
Fahrerlaubnis: Nein
Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)
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