Job Planning, Resource and Project Engineer unspecified CERN - Jobangebote

Berufsbezeichnung: Planning, Resource and Project Engineer


In this role you will directly report to the EN-EL group leader and help CERN's electrical engineering group forecast and monitor its activities and resources in order to meet the power supply, fibre optics and cabling needs of CERN's continuously evolving accelerators, experiments, and general infrastructure. Take part!


Planning, Resource and Project Engineer in the Engineering department (EN), Electrical Engineering Group (EL).

You will join:

.The Department that provides engineering competencies, infrastructure systems, and technical coordination for the world's largest particle accelerator complex and its experimental facilities.

.The Group that is responsible for CERN's electrical distribution network from 400 kV to 400/230 V and for the optical fibre network. Its main missions are to operate, maintain, extend and renovate the networks, analyse and make projections for CERN's electrical energy consumption and manage relations with the energy suppliers. The group is also in charge of making modifications and extensions to the networks when required by new projects, with project studies, equipment procurement, installation, supervising and commissioning.


As a Planning, Resource and Project Engineer in the electrical engineering group, you will:

.Develop and maintain the planning tools, in particular those related to the forecasting and monitoring of activities and resources.

.Liaise with the section leaders, project managers, work managers and technical coordinators to:

?Prepare and follow up the schedule for their respective activities

?Prepare the resource estimates and follow up the resource workloads for their respective activities.

.Develop and maintain the overall master schedule, which includes all activities managed by the electrical group (projects, works, operation, maintenance) as well as the associated resource allocation

.Collect inputs from the group stakeholders and provide planning and resource reports to the Group Leader on an ongoing basis

.Liaise with stakeholders outside the group in order to collect and share updated information on planning activities

.Participate in group planning meetings aiming at reviewing overall progress and coordination of activities as well as any potential resourcing issues within the group

After a period of familiarisation you will:

.Be responsible for engineering projects in the fields of either electrical distribution, fibre optics or electrical cabling.

.Develop and maintain tools aiming at managing the electrical engineering group's budget in relation to the master schedule.

Qualification required

Master's degree in the field of electrical engineering, electronics engineering or telecommunications, or equivalent.

Experience and competencies

The experience required for this post is:

.Relevant experience in planning and resource coordination, preferably in an engineering environment.

.Strong knowledge of project management software (MS project or equivalent)

.A first experience of project management in a related field.

.Experience liaising with a large number of internal and external stakeholders would be an asset.

.Experience of budget coordination and forecasting would be an asset.

The technical competencies required for this post are:

.Strategic personnel and material resources planning.

.Operational personnel and material costs planning.

.Project management.

In addition, at least two of the following competencies:

.Design of HV network & substations

.Design of LV network & switchboard

.Commissioning, maintenance & operation of electrical distribution systems


Stunden pro Woche:
We offer a limited-duration contract for a period of 5 years.

Angestelltenname: CERN

Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ROUTE DE MEYRIN 385, 1217 MEYRIN

Form von Kontakt:
Alexandre Lagopoulos Tel: +41 22 767 87 21, e-post: alexandre.lagopoulos (at)

Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41227678721

Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Ingenieure im Bereich Elektrotechnik

Land: Schweiz

Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe

Erfahrung: siehe Beschreibung

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweden

Fahrerlaubnis: Nein

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)


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