Job Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network: OMA unspecified CERN - Jobangebote
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Innovative Training Network: OMA
Work on your PhD on a European programme on accelerator medical applications. Join the OMA project!
The challenge
CERN is recruiting one Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to work on the topic of improvements on FLUKA for medical applications.
How can you take part?
If you are an enthusiastic and talented student or young professional thinking of doing a doctorate - or even having started a doctorate in an area related to the topics in OMA - you could be a good candidate. You will be offered a CERN employment contract for up to 3 years whilst working towards your PhD in the Engineering Department at CERN.
The EU-funded Horizon 2020 programme has two main strategic objectives: to strengthen the scientific and technological base of European industry and to encourage its international competitiveness, while promoting research that supports EU policies.
OMA, Optimization of Medical Accelerators, is an Innovative Training Network in the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions.
The project brings together universities, research centres and ion beam treatment facilities with industrial partners to address the challenges in treatment facility design and optimization, numerical simulations for the development of advanced treatment schemes, and in beam imaging and treatment monitoring.
OMA is being led by the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. For its research posts, 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) will be recruited for employment by the network partners in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. In all, the Network presently consists of an international consortium of more than 30 partner organisations including universities, research centres and private companies working in this field, providing a wide-ranging training programme comprising schools, workshops and an international conference.
The Network's main scientific and technological objectives are split into three closely interlinked work packages:
Development of novel beam imaging and diagnostics systems
Studies into treatment optimization including innovative schemes for beam delivery and enhanced biological and physical models in Monte Carlo codes R&D into facility design and optimization to ensure optimum patient treatment along with maximum efficiency.
Role Description
OMA has set up a rich training programme that includes participation in several international doctoral schools, workshops, and conferences.
For efficient treatment planning and decision for optimum dose delivery schemes, Monte Carlo simulations are a key tool.
FLUKA is a Monte Carlo code developed at CERN and INFN able to simulate particle-matter interactions for a wide variety of energy and beams. It is the workhorse at CERN for all beam-machine interaction studies and for radioprotection. The models embedded in the code for atomic and nuclear interactions have already demonstrated their accuracy for clinical applications. Indeed the FLUKA code is extensively used for hadron therapy and medical applications.
The models embedded in the code for atomic and nuclear interactions have already demonstrated their accuracy for clinical applications. This project at CERN targets further improvements in the modelling of the emission of secondary radiation for therapy monitoring, including prompt gammas, positrons and other charged particles, thereby providing the required simulation framework for studies across the different work packages in OMA.
You will develop and benchmark models in the FLUKA code for nuclear interactions of helium and lithium beams against experimental data and improve them in collaboration with other project partners. You will th
Stunden pro Woche:
Attractive remuneration under employment contract for 24 months with possibility of extension up to 36 months.
Angestelltenname: CERN
Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ROUTE DE MEYRIN 385, 1217 MEYRIN
Form von Kontakt: Alfredo Ferrari, e-post: (at)
Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41227678721
Biologen, Botaniker, Zoologen und verwandte Berufe
Land: Schweiz
Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet
Vertragstyp: Vollzeit
Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe
Erfahrung: siehe Beschreibung
Quelle des Stellenangebots:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweden
Fahrerlaubnis: Nein
Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)
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