Job Knowledge Transfer Officer unspecified CERN - Jobangebote

Berufsbezeichnung: Knowledge Transfer Officer


Help CERN scientists and engineers identify and facilitate new applications for technologies developed by scientists and engineers for CERN's accelerators and detectors, in cooperation with industry. Join CERN's Knowledge Transfer group and contribute to CERN's impact on society today. Take part!


Knowledge Transfer Officer in the IPT-KT-IP section, KT group.

You will join the Knowledge Transfer (KT) Group, which is in charge of identifying and realizing opportunities for CERN's know-how to be applied in fields other than particle physics, in order to maximize the impact of CERN technologies and expertise on society (in particular industry).

Within the Group, the IP Dissemination Section is in charge of scouting for new transferable technologies within CERN, assessing and managing the Intellectual Property (IP) to foster the dissemination of those technologies, and to conclude partnerships with industry and other institutes around these technologies.


As Knowledge Transfer Officer, you will:

.Identify transferable technologies and knowledge within the organisation by evaluating transfer potential and market value for CERN technologies and know-how.

.Take responsibility for the dissemination of a number of CERN technologies by:

- Proposing the most appropriate dissemination strategy, including financial valuation;

- Promoting the technology to external partners;

- Providing support for setting up R&D projects, including costing and Intellectual Property management;

.Support the set-up of new CERN start-ups.

In order to do this you will:

.Structure and negotiate IP contracts (licences, collaborative R&D, etc.).

.Develop contacts with R&D decision-makers at industrial partners.

.Manage technical and contractual relationships.

.Support promotional events and interdisciplinary workshops.

Qualification required

University degree or equivalent in a technical or scientific domain related to particle accelerators or detectors complemented by higher education in business (e.g. MBA) or equivalent relevant experience in industry.

Experience and competencies

The experience required for this post is:

.Proven experience in managing innovation in industry, involving technology partnerships, such as technology licensing, collaborative R&D and/or open innovation.

.Experience in the management of Intellectual Property in the framework of licensing activities and collaborative R&D.

.Experience in engagement of industrial partners, technology commercialisation and contract negotiation.

.Previous exposure to intellectual property would be considered an asset.

.Experience in- business development, start-up companies or project management would be considered an asset.

The technical competencies required for this post are:

.Technology transfer.

.Knowledge transfer technology.

.Managing relations and partnerships with non profit as well as corporate entities.

.Setting up of international collaborations.

The behavioural competencies required for this post are:

.Achieving results: delivering high quality work on time and fulfilling expectations.

.Managing self: working well autonomously; taking on activities and tasks without prompting; taking initiative beyond regular tasks and making things happen.

.Communicating effectively: expressing opinions, ideas and suggestions with conviction and in a logical/structured manner; keeping to the point; ensuring that information, procedures and decisions are appropriately documented.

.Learning and sharing knowledge: sharing knowledge and expertise freely an

Stunden pro Woche:
A limited-duration contract for a period of 5 years.

Angestelltenname: CERN

Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ROUTE DE MEYRIN 385, 1217 MEYRIN

Form von Kontakt:
Alexandre Lagopoulos Tel: +41 22 767 87 21, e-post: alexandre.lagopoulos (at)

Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41227678721

Techniker für den Betrieb von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie

Land: Schweiz

Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe

Erfahrung: siehe Beschreibung

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
Arbetsförmedlingen, Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweden

Fahrerlaubnis: Pkw bis 8 Personen; Lkw unter 3,5 t

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)


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