Your responsibilities The Manufacturing Technology Team consists of three groups caring for the manufacturing of motors, motion systems and control electronics, respectively. You will be in charge of the Manufacturing Technology Team for one of the three lines. As such, you will participate in development, production, planning and invest reviews. Your experience in organizational and technical matters will help ETEL to improve production quality and costs and to develop the fabrication site from a dominantly manual production mode to an automatized state-of-the-art production. Your responsibilities reach from the industrialization of new products over the development of new process methods to the resolution of production issues. Your main interfaces will be the Production, the R&D departments and the Manufacturing Technology Teams of the other production lines. Your team currently consists of 16 highly motivated engineers and technicians. You will report to the Senior Manager Manufacturing Technology, who oversees the three parallel teams and who is responsible for the overall ETEL strategy of manufacturing technology. You will be requested to participate frequently in trips to vendors in Europe. Your qualifications - Bachelor or Master Degree in Mechanical engineering or equivalent field - Minimum 4 years of proven experience in staff management in a production environment - Experience in problem solving methodology - English fluently and French on a very good level. We are looking for - An experience in leading a middle-size team in a manufacturing environment, ideally in the machine building or process technology industry. Apart from your managerial skills, you have project management skills and had contact with quality, lean and six-sigma tools and methods like 8D, Kaizen and SPC. - A person with experience to work with Production KPI's.

Angestelltenname: ETEL S.A

Arbeitgeber-Adresse: ETEL S.A Zone industrielle 2112 Môtiers NE

Form von Kontakt: odile von Burg

Arbeitgeber Telefonnummer: +41 32 864 01 00

Stellenkurzbeschreibung: Maschinenbauingenieure

Land: Schweiz

Region: Neuchâtel

Vertragslaufzeit: Unbefristet

Vertragstyp: Vollzeit

Erforderliche Ausbildung: Keine Angabe

Erfahrung: 5 Jahre und mehr

Quelle des Stellenangebots:
SECO,Öffentliche Arbeitsverwaltungen, Schweiz (Confoederatio Helvetica)

Fahrerlaubnis: Nein

Wie Sie sich bewerben: Weitere Angaben (siehe Beschreibung)

Gehalt Währung: CHF

Gehaltsperiode: Gehalt Periode nicht spezifiziert

Gehalt Besteuerung: brutto


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